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The VAS regularly organizes fun events. There is always something fun planned to look forward to. Above/on the right side you can see the upcoming events. Click through for more information and to register for one or more events!

The VAS organizes, among other things:

Sailing weekend
The sailing weekend is organized annually in the period from the beginning of July. On Friday evening you arrive at the accommodation and there is time to eat together and then have a drink. The ideal evening to get to know new people in the group. On Saturday afternoon you go sailing, with a stopover for lunch. In the evening we eat together again and there is still time for another activity. A theme party is usually organized on Saturday evening, with a different theme every year! On Sunday morning you can return home after breakfast.

The city trip is organized annually in November. Every year a different nice city is chosen where the trip goes. Preferably abroad, just across the border. The layout of the city trip weekend is comparable to the sailing weekend, except that there is (of course) no sailing during the city trip. There is, however, plenty of time for other fun activities and of course the city trip, just like the sailing weekend, is an excellent opportunity to get to know fellow accountancy students from other study years in a pleasant way.

A VASSA is organized several times a year, each time with a new guest speaker with an interesting, relevant and topical theme. More information about the VASSAs can be found on this page.

Friday afternoon drinks are also organized several times a year. Join us after lectures to get in touch with accountancy students who are active at the VAS during drinks. To be able to address students from all the different study locations, the drinks are organized throughout the country. Keep an eye on our event agenda, because there may be a drink near your (study) location soon!

Upcoming events