Have you had a problem for a while and you don’t know how best to tackle it?
Sometimes it can be nice to tell your story to someone you know will treat it confidentially. Within the VAS we have a confidential adviser who has been working / studying part-time for some time. The confidential advisor will listen to your problem and try to find a solution together. Sometimes the solution can be simple, but in the case of complex problems we will also look into our own network within Nyenrode to see who may be able to help you. Of course all in consultation with you and confidentially.
Our confidential advisers are currently:
Victor Smorenburg
Samira van Zuthem
Do you want to contact the confidential advisor? (Male/Female)
Send an email to: victor@vasonline.nl with your name and telephone number.
Send an email to: samira@vasonline.nl with your name and telephone number.
They will then contact you by phone.